Service Providers

The directory includes a list of companies that support the IR function in the Middle East, categorised by their main area of expertise.

All listed service providers have a proven track record in the region in the field of investor relations.

Financial Services Provider

Beltone is a leading financial services provider with a multi-decade track record of success in the MENA region. The Company offers a comprehensive and growing set of financial solutions such as brokerage, investment banking, asset management, equity research, in addition to end-to-end non-banking financial institutions (NBFIs) including private equity & direct investments, leasing, factoring, consumer finance, venture capital, mortgage finance and microfinance. The Company is driven by a vision to redefine the financial ecosystem in the region by capitalizing on global expertise, knowledge, and disruptive, value-accretive solutions that unlock limitless opportunities for clients, to drive market value and impactful results. The company is listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange under the following ticker symbol: BTFH.CA Learn more about their work at:

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Iman A. SadekHead of Investor Relations