Service Providers

The directory includes a list of companies that support the IR function in the Middle East, categorised by their main area of expertise.

All listed service providers have a proven track record in the region in the field of investor relations.

Financial Event Agency

B1 is a Financial Event Agency with more than 27 years of experience. Over the years B1 have become the unrivalled leader of the Roadshow and Financial Events market. We organize IPOs and Non-Deal roadshows as well as CMDs, Investor Days, Site Visits, Results Presentations, Corporate Events. We stand out as a paramount team of international professionals, creating a dedicated production system to run each bespoke project. We flawlessly orchestrate behind the scenes making every project we coordinate our own company mission.

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Elena PellicciottaProject Director - BD Manager
+39 3406988421
Corporate Access

Mediatree is an Investor Relations agency that specialises in delivering financial events and financial roadshows for its clients. With almost 3 decades of experience, Mediatree is the market leader when it comes to organising IPO and Non-Deal roadshows as well as any investor facing events (CMDs, Investor Days, Site Visits, Results Presentations, etc.) for public companies of all sizes and from all sectors.

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Anais CousseirouxSenior Account Manager
+44 (0)7471 998106