Service Providers

The directory includes a list of companies that support the IR function in the Middle East, categorised by their main area of expertise.

All listed service providers have a proven track record in the region in the field of investor relations.

Annual Report

Fanda, spanning the Middle East and Europe, provides advanced annual and sustainability reporting, ESG consulting, and corporate communications. With headquarters in Dubai, our in-house teams of 150+ experts deliver holistic full-service support to our clients, from strategic insights to flawless execution. With 23+ years of operational expertise, we've successfully completed 3,000+ projects and won 600+ awards with our clients, both fresh IPOs or long-listed companies.

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Galina Pogorelaya Business Development Director
+ 971 50326 3240
Corporate Access

Mediatree is an Investor Relations agency that specialises in delivering financial events and financial roadshows for its clients. With almost 3 decades of experience, Mediatree is the market leader when it comes to organising IPO and Non-Deal roadshows as well as any investor facing events (CMDs, Investor Days, Site Visits, Results Presentations, etc.) for public companies of all sizes and from all sectors.

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Anais CousseirouxSenior Account Manager
+44 (0)7471 998106
ESG and Sustainability

Based in the UAE, Sustainable Square stands at the forefront of global advisory firms, specializing in the strategic elevation of ESG narratives. We provide a suite of services designed to augment your ESG ratings, enhancing your equity story and making it more compelling to the investor community.
Our presence spans across 15 markets and three regions, wherein we partner with a diverse range of businesses, helping them navigate the complex world of ESG performance. By placing a strong emphasis on organizational sustainability, robust ESG disclosure, climate change mitigation strategies, responsible investment, and social impact, we're committed to amplifying your business's investment appeal.
Our team streamlines the process of managing and reporting ESG performance, leveraging our expertise and technology to support businesses in becoming more transparent, responsible, and inclusive. Our proven approach and innovative solutions not only simplify complex tasks but also drive a significant enhancement in ESG ratings - a key factor for attracting and retaining conscientious investors. We have conducted over 2,000 board capacity building sessions and work with IR managers, ESG managers and the C-suite executives to craft sustainability roadmaps that help organisations thrive by creating value for investors and other stakeholders.
With a proven track record, including over 170 successful projects and a 92.3% Customer Satisfaction Score, we've worked with over 120 clients to shape their ESG narratives and improve their ESG ratings. Our work has consistently contributed to increasing investor confidence, fostering long-term investment, and bolstering our clients' reputations in the ESG space.
Reach out to us at to discover how Sustainable Square can elevate your ESG ratings and strengthen your equity story. We are eager to customize our offerings to align with your unique ESG goals and to ensure that your business stands out to the investment community.

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Monaem Ben LellahomPartner - Group CEO
+971 555449920