A message from the Chair
May 7, 2020 Middle EastDear Members, Partners and friends,
I hope this message finds you and your families safe and well.
Although we all know these are challenging times, I am confident that we will be able to walk through this storm in unity and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever. I am reaching out today to encourage you to keep going. We must continue to collaborate, communicate and engage with one another, as you have from the beginning of this unprecedented time.
If there is something that has impressed me during this pandemic, it is how IR is, arguably, becoming the most pressing function that a company must tend to amid this turbulent time, ensuring continuous and transparent communication between investors, stakeholders and senior management. We are committed to lead by example, and we are all now benefitting from weekly calls with MEIRA Chapter Heads and enhanced dialogue with exchanges, regulators and other third-party stakeholders. It is good to talk, especially when sometimes one only has the wall to talk to when working from home!
Just as we encourage you to stay positive, we have looked to continue and enhance MEIRA’s activities during this time, be it through webinars, White Papers, media outreach or our MEIRA weekly newsletter. We have looked to take these initiatives into overdrive to ensure our community remains in touch and continues to receive valuable insights and knowledge in the field of IR, not least during a time of crisis.
The pandemic has, above all, been a learning experience for us all. So, what have we learned so far:
1. we have quickly transformed our operating environments into entirely digital ones at a drop of a hat, and more so, efficiently adapted to these changes;
2. the function of IR has positioned itself in a myriad of ways and it has uncovered opportunities for growth and improvement. IR has faced the necessity to adapt to the rapidly changing environment and accommodate a series of first-of-their-kind functionalities, such as digital AGMs and roadshows; and
3. we have seen the utmost prioritisation of communication during this time, when transparency and frequency are valued at a premium, and regular updates are the norm. All in all, we have learned that communication is the central pillar which IROs must continuously burnish. If ever there was a time to future-proof business, it’s now and it is clear that the role of IR is an integral part of this strategy.
At MEIRA, we look to promote best practice in IR both regionally and internationally, and I am pleased to say that the MENA region has been playing its part in this regard. This is, of course, down to your hard work and commitment. I also wanted to take this opportunity to personally recognise the outstanding work done by our executive team to ensure that we remain a vocal and supportive pillar in our IR community.
I encourage you all to continue moving forward, keep communicating and look ahead, and remember that this time of unparalleled challenge, too, shall pass.
Stay well, stay safe and keep up the IR!
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Tarbuck
Middle East Investor Relations Association (MEIRA)